Chemical weapons is the use of toxic properties of chemical substances rather than the explosive properties found in C4, to produce physical and mentally effects on the enemy. The first chemical weapons were used in the Peloponnesian War, where the spartans ignited pitch and sulphur together creating a toxic fume. Soon many wars after WW1 and WW2, chemical weapons have been developed, tested and used. All resulting in a catastrophic massacre.
Known chemical agents are nerve gas, mustard gas, blister gas, and any other chemical agents producing a burning and suffocation feeling that will cause death.
The only two major countries known to still improve and develop chemical weapons under the secret of the nation government is the United States of America and Russia.
In mordern warfare, chemical weapons would be most likely to be used like the first nuclear bomb. Producing a world with ghouls, zombies and mutants walking on earth surface leading mankind to extinction or hiding in caves.
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