Homemade Biodiesel

Ever since the auto industries have develop and produce more than a million cars a year. More and more of the fossil fuel have to be drilled and sucked from the shallow sea bed to the deepest sea bed in the world. Fossil fuel tends to be extinct. Thus, scientist have done a lot of research to use a different source of fuel; that is Biodiesel.

Biodiesel can be created anywhere, from your own house kitchen to industrial laboratories. The ingredients for Biodiesel are vegetable oil, lye and methanol. To produce diesel, you first have to collect some waste vegetable oil (usually available in fast food restaurant) and filter it of any debris. Then it is then titrated to convert the vegetable oil to biodiesel. A simple chemical test that determines the amount of lye and methanol required to convert the vegetable oil to biodiesel. Adding the sufficient amount of lye is critical. Adding more lye than the required amount; the mixing tank could end up filled with gel-type soap. If lye is too little, only part of the cooking oil will convert into biodiesel, with a large layer of glycerin settling to the bottom of the mixing tank.

One true fact is that, the glycerin that is seperated from the oil can be use as soap. The final product of the process is Biodiesel. If the fuel drops it is not harmful to the plants.

Also if you smell the exhaust of the car, it will give a sweet, tantalizing and succulent smell of roasted chicken depending where the vegetable oil is obtained.

If any global economic crisis do occur like the recent event (2008-2009). No fuel = Use Biodiesel.


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